siblings of Carl P Dal

half siblings maternal

eventing horse Dieter VO (Oldenburg, 2015, from Duke of Hearts xx)

Dieter VO

jumper Quästor 3 (Oldenburg, 2004, from Quidam's Rubin)

Quästor 3

jumper Cracks Chica VO (Oldenburg, 2016, from Chaccos Crack)

Cracks Chica VO

broodmare Conny 354 (Oldenburg, 2000, from Cordial Medoc)

Conny 354

broodmare Lill-Babs (Westphalian, 2012, from Lissaro)


jumper Wanted 24 (Westphalian, 2013, from Duke of Hearts xx)

Wanted 24

eventing horse Cracks Pele VO (Oldenburg, 2017, from Chaccos Crack)

Cracks Pele VO

horse Cora (Oldenburg, 2001, from Cordial Medoc)
