riding horses of Susanne Olnhoff

owned horses

stallion Schwedenlinde's Ziron (Welsh-Cob (Sek. C), 2008, from Zenturio)

Schwedenlinde's Ziron

stallion Dance with me 13 (German Riding Pony, 2012, from Dance Star AT)

Dance with me 13

dressage horse Bounty 201 (German Riding Pony, 2005, from Benedict)

Bounty 201

stallion Charmeur (German Riding Pony, 2011, from FS Champion de Luxe)


broodmare Hera (5,47% ox) (Edelbluthaflinger, 2002, from Stromer (1,57% ox))

Hera (5,47% ox)

dressage horse Gray Light (German Riding Pony, 2015, from Grimaldi 89)

Gray Light

broodmare Luna (German Riding Pony, 2001, from Levisto Z)


broodmare Bahia (German Riding Pony, 2008, from Benedict)


broodmare Eni (German Riding Pony,  , from Esperado)


broodmare Lina (German Riding Pony, 2014, from Daydream Believer)


broodmare Peaches (German Riding Pony, 2013, from Devon 17)


dressage horse Austria S.O. (Haflinger, 2019, from Amore Mio)

Austria S.O.