Reitturnier Öpfingen 2024

  • pin Öpfingen

Thursday (09 May 2024)

time no. discipline winner video
08:00 12
Leonie Nieß

Francesca 68

Amelie Nieß

Frido 36

10:00 11
Isabell Hägele

Felix Felices

Samira Wiest

Cosa Casandra

12:30 9
Benjamin Fischer

Nike Kikki

15:30 5
Springprüfung Kl. M* 125cm

Colin Sorg

Casillas 11

Adrian Schmid

Cellestial's Curly


The tournament results are presented by Pavo Pferdenahrung GmbH

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Friday (10 May 2024)

time no. discipline winner video
08:30 18
Springpferdeprüfung Kl. A*

Jochen Schelling

Chacody Blue

Sophia Hierlemann

Gift of Gold 3

11:25 17
Josefin Füß

Lady D'Eclipse

14:45 16
Springpferdeprüfung Kl. L

Stefanie Görlich

Alessio AG

17:30 4
Edwin Schmuck


Saturday (11 May 2024)

time no. discipline winner video
08:30 10
Franziska Grimm

Centino 11

Samira Wiest

HW's Calusha

10:30 8
Springprüfung Kl. L 115cm

Mira Münz

Fortunato b

13:15 7
Ramona Kunze

Chilli Girl 2

Maren Holz

Obc Querly Anne

16:40 2
Leonie Assmann

Lancertos Jacky Cola

17:45 3
Remo Allgäuer

Casatol PS

Sunday (12 May 2024)

time no. discipline winner video
10:00 14
Stil Spring-Wettbewerb

Paulina Dudik

She can do it

11:00 13
Anna Endlichhofer

Luckie Lou

12:15 6
Maren Holz

Obc Querly Anne

Viktoria Gugelfuß

SMA Caricello

14:15 15
Springpferdeprüfung Kl. M

Sven Sieger

Ice Cube 5

16:00 1
Edwin Schmuck


tournament informations

number of riders 241 highest niveau jump SPR S*
number of horses 456 number of starts 869

successful riders

successful horses

jumper Lancertos Jacky Cola (Württemberger, 2007, from Lancerto)

Lancertos Jacky Cola

jumper Contagobet (Rhinelander, 2010, from Contago)


broodmare Iva de la Cor (Holsteiner, 2016, from Vagabond de la Pomme)

Iva de la Cor

jumper Nippon de Carmel (Belgian Warmblood, 2013, from Kannan)

Nippon de Carmel