FEI Reitturnier Balmoral (IRL) 2024

  • pin Balmoral

Wendsday (15 May 2024)

no. discipline winner
Jason Foley

Durango VDL

Niamh Mcevoy

Jasmim Da Hermida


The tournament results are presented by Pavo Pferdenahrung GmbH

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Thursday (16 May 2024)

no. discipline winner
Joe Fernyhough

Calcourt Countdown

Jason Foley

Durango VDL

Friday (17 May 2024)

no. discipline winner
Clem Mcmahon

Grand Prix Dk


tournament informations

number of riders 40 highest niveau jump GP2* INT
number of horses 72 number of starts 177

successful riders

successful horses

jumper Calcourt Particle (anglo european sporthorse, 2012, from Spartacus TN)

Calcourt Particle

jumper Kinmar Bespoke (Irish Sport Horse, 2015)

Kinmar Bespoke

jumper Dhf Alliance (Irish Sport Horse, 2015)

Dhf Alliance

jumper Carrigshawn Vendi Royal (Irish Sport Horse, 2015)

Carrigshawn Vendi Royal