Reitturnier Freudenberg 2023

  • pin Freudenberg

Friday (15 September 2023)

time no. discipline winner
09:30 17
Marc Ostendarp

Level Four Two

10:45 18
Enny Endres

Magic Dream 39

12:00 40
Dressurpferdeprüfung Kl. A

Pauline Borde

Florida Fun

12:15 19
Springpferdeprüfung Kl. L

Philipp Schöllhorn

Million's Conway

13:45 20
Springpferdeprüfung Kl. M

Klaus Otte-Wiese

United Magic

13:45 41
Christina Wessling

FS Fascination

14:00 43
15:00 21
Springprüfung Kl. M*

15:30 42
Nina Strunk

Bellini 81

15:30 44
Dressurprüfung Kl. S*

Tanja Lammers


16:40 22
Henry Cohen

D' Arcy


The tournament results are presented by Pavo Pferdenahrung GmbH

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Saturday (16 September 2023)

time no. discipline winner
08:00 10
Sarah Pergolesi

Can do it 23

Ben Luca Lammers

Captain Jack T

09:00 30
Dressurprüfung Kl. A* A 2

09:15 9
Malu Schumacher

Vespucci 18

Joelina Bühler

Skyline B

Laura Marx

April Z

09:30 33
Merle Marie Boving

Rhythmic Time

10:45 8
Laura Marx


Riana Eisenmenger

Bärbel 62

11:00 34
Jan-Philipp Bender

Amicello 42

12:30 35
Maike Büdenbender

Rock For Romance

12:45 7
Riana Eisenmenger

Bärbel 62

Marcel Grote

Caballero Z

Jan Theymann

Be Cute van de Wolfsakker Z

13:00 31
Dressurprüfung Kl. A** A 8

14:30 24/1
Lene Schumann

Gustav 248

14:30 24/2
14:30 24/3
14:45 36
Lisa Dippong

Angie 270

15:05 5
Hendrik Dowe

Amsterdam Z

15:30 25/1
Lina Gattwinkel


15:30 25/2
15:30 25/3
16:20 3
Springprüfung Kl. S* 140cm

17:30 1
Hendrik Dowe


19:15 26
Maja Stähler

Donn Davinci

21:00 4
Lisa Höhler


Sunday (17 September 2023)

time no. discipline winner
08:30 13

Lotte Tröps


09:00 28

Emilia Maria Dell

Magic Dreamfire

09:15 14
Springprüfung Kl. L

Eileen Stolz


10:00 15
Springprüfung Kl. M*

Henry Cohen

Cuxhaven 2

10:00 29
Dressurreiterprüfung Kl. A

Elisa Giesler

Felissima EG

10:00 37
Katharina Stumpf

Don Calisto 2

11:15 16
Springprüfung Kl. S* 140cm

12:00 38
Louisa Wegener

Bluehorse First Date

12:30 6
Springprüfung Kl. M*

Katharina Böhmer

Night Wonder 3

13:30 32
Gina Mester

Bluebell Star

13:30 39
Dressurprüfung Kl. S*

13:45 2
Klaus Otte-Wiese

Queen Magic

15:00 11
Stil Springprüfung Kl. A*

16:20 12
Stil Springprüfung Kl. A**

tournament informations

number of riders 286 highest niveau jump SPR S**
number of horses 379 highest niveau dressage DRE S*
number of starts 715

successful riders

successful horses

jumper Lajacuma (Westphalian, 2015, from Lycon 3)


jumper Askala NRW (Westphalian, 2016, from A La Carte NRW)

Askala NRW

jumper Bagueli (unknown, 2015)


jumper Clar Soweit S (Holsteiner, 2016, from Clarimo Ask)

Clar soweit S