Reitturnier Siegersdorf 2019

  • pin Siegersdorf

Wendsday (07 August 2019)

time no. discipline winner
08:30 1/1
Hanna Loos

Cappuccino 17

08:59 1/2
Julia Mercedes Ries

Sweet Holly 2

09:09 1/3
09:35 2/1
10:06 2/2
Julia Mercedes Ries

Sweet Holly 2

10:50 2/3
Bettina Ottenschläger

Aventure de bonne

11:20 3/1
12:08 3/2
Jaqueline Kientzl

Counter Strike S

12:10 3/3
Sophie stift

Hesselteichs Don Nino

12:45 4/1
Springprüfung 80 cm

Lea Hirscher

Chadane Z

12:50 4/2
Springprüfung 80 cm

Kevin Prager


13:00 5/1
Stil Springprüfung 95cm

Tamara Bitzyk

Fortuna Elena

13:28 5/3
Stil Springprüfung 95cm

14:30 5/3
Stil Springprüfung 95cm

14:45 6
Springprüfung 95cm

Melanie Riedl


Friedrich Reichelt

Lutz Pettenau

Birgit Kellner

Forever AMB

16:00 7/1
Stil Springprüfung 105cm

Jona Leonie Pirkner

Vestner's Elevating Boy

16:05 7/2
Stil Springprüfung 105cm

17:35 8/1
18:15 8/2
Sophie stift


18:15 9/1
Stil Springprüfung 115cm

19:00 9/2
Stil Springprüfung 115cm

Barbara Mauser

Navaro blue

19:00 10/1
Gizela Benedek

Cooper M

19:08 10/2

The tournament results are presented by Pavo Pferdenahrung GmbH

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tournament informations

number of riders 116 highest niveau jump SPR 115
number of horses 133 number of starts 242

successful riders

successful horses

stallion Girlfriend (Irish Sport Horse, 2005, from Classic Vision)


jumper Clooney 7 (Austrian Warmblood, 2011, from Clinton H)

Clooney 7

jumper Cooper M (Austrian Warmblood, 2011, from Charmeur M)

Cooper M

jumper Navaro blue (Oldenburg show jumper, 2009)

Navaro blue