Reitturnier Bielefeld 2017

  • pin Bielefeld

Saturday (06 May 2017)

time no. discipline winner
- 1/1
Maren Beckmann

Gingerix AMB

- 1/2
- 1/3
- 4

Carlotta Schulze

Optimist 45

- 5
Stil Spring-Wettbewerb

- 7

- 8
Nadine Schloßhahn

Ron Sparrow

- 10
08:00 2

Lena Wiedenhaus

Don Derby

09:15 3

Luisa Kröningebbes

Wotan vom Neumühler Hof


The tournament results are presented by Pavo Pferdenahrung GmbH

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tournament informations

number of riders 84 highest niveau jump WBO-SPR
number of horses 92 highest niveau dressage WBO-DR
number of starts 150

successful riders

successful horses

stallion Medoc (German Riding Pony, 1997, from Mentos)

Medoc 37

jumper Ron Sparrow (Westphalian, 2002, from Rosenkoenig)

Ron Sparrow

dressage horse Benn 14 (German Riding Pony, 2002, from Trefaes Brenin Du)

Benn 14

jumper Cantaloop (Irish Sport Horse, 1995)
