siblings of D'Amour S

half siblings maternal

dressage horse Fürstengold S (Oldenburg, 2013, from Fürstenball)

Fürstengold S

dressage horse Amazing Anton 3 (Oldenburg, 2015, from Ampère)

Amazing Anton 3

broodmare Wildrose S (Oldenburg, 2012, from Fürst Romancier)

Wildrose S

dressage horse Violetta goes to Hollywood (Oldenburg, 2020, from Vitalis)

Violetta goes to Hollywood

dressage horse Stute von Feinrich / Johnson (Oldenburg, 2023, from Feinrich)

Stute von Feinrich / Johnson

broodmare Weltfee S (Oldenburg, 2018, from Feinrich)

Weltfee S