siblings of The Irishman xx

half siblings paternal

broodmare Banshee xx (Thoroughbred, 1910, from Irish Lad xx)

Banshee xx

broodmare Regulation xx (Thoroughbred, 1912, from Irish Lad xx)

Regulation xx

broodmare The Minx II xx (Thoroughbred, 1914, from Irish Lad xx)

The Minx II xx

stallion Irismond xx (Thoroughbred, 1921, from Irish Lad xx)

Irismond xx

broodmare Laughing Eyes xx (Thoroughbred, 1916, from Irish Lad xx)

Laughing Eyes xx

broodmare Pellsie xx (Thoroughbred, 1919, from Irish Lad xx)

Pellsie xx