siblings of Dailuaine

half siblings maternal

dressage horse Stardust S (Westphalian, 2012, from Soliman)

Stardust S

dressage horse For Fashion S (Westphalian, 2013, from Feedback 16)

For Fashion S

broodmare Francine S (Westphalian, 2002, from Florestan I)

Francine S

dressage horse Feodora 107 (Westphalian, 2008, from Fürst Piccolo)

Feodora 107

dressage horse Son Of Sezuan (Westphalian, 2015, from Sezuan)

Son Of Sezuan

dressage horse Fidele (Westphalian, 2016, from Fürsten-Look)
