broodmare Rosa of Transy (Shetland Pony, 1927, from Thorold of Transy)

Rosa of Transy

broodmare Satia of Transy (Shetland Pony, 1924, from Thorold of Transy)

Satia of Transy

stallion Rosdor of Transy (Shetland Pony, 1926, from Thorold of Transy)

Rosdor of Transy

broodmare Satayla of Transy (Shetland Pony, 1933, from Thorold of Transy)

Satayla of Transy

stallion Rosador of Transy (Shetland Pony,  , from Thorold of Transy)

Rosador of Transy