Verba ox

Verba ox

Vollblutaraber, Stute, 1983


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Zuchtstute Penka ox (Vollblutaraber, 1987, von Naftalin 1977 ox)

Penka ox

Deckhengst Peisuli ox (Vollblutaraber, 1982, von Murmansk 1977 ox)

Peisuli ox

Deckhengst Dosator ox (Vollblutaraber, 1985, von Murmansk 1977 ox)

Dosator ox

Zuchtstute Biologia 1982 ox (Vollblutaraber, 1982, von Murmansk 1977 ox)

Biologia 1982 ox

Alle 6 Geschwister anzeigen


Zuchtstute Elvenda ox (Vollblutaraber, 1991, von Esplendor 1983 ox)

Elvenda ox

Zuchtstute Verbala ox (Vollblutaraber, 1996, von Balaton 1982 ox)

Verbala ox

Deckhengst Van Mail Kossack ox (Vollblutaraber, 2003, von Pobeditel 1998 ox)

Van Mail Kossack ox

Zuchtstute Virba Kossck ox (Vollblutaraber, 2004, von Pobeditel 1998 ox)

Virba Kossck ox

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Name (DE) Verba ox Sportname (DE) Verba ox
Zuchtname (DE) Verba ox UELN 276304046242883
Raced 2/12(3-2-1)

Verba came to the Kossack Stud in Holland in 1993 and proved herself to be a broodmare of high class; many of her sons are top breeding stallions all over the world and her daughters are broodmares of great value.

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